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Opportunities at the Nexus of Climate, Food, and Oceans

Philanthropies working together to capitalize on the power of blue foods to help reshape food systems to be sustainable, resilient, inclusive, and healthy.

About This Work

Meridian Institute is working with a group of funders who share a common interest in integrating normalizing the inclusion of blue foods in food systems transformation efforts through collaborative actions such as:

  • Participation at key events to build momentum and ensure that high-profile panels, public policy dialogues, private sector solutions, etc., that address food systems transformation also include blue foods.
  • Development of materials that elevate blue foods’ profile and clearly state the value of their inclusion and consideration in climate, biodiversity, and food systems efforts.
  • Targeted outreach to key funders and funder groups.

Why Blue Foods?

Blue (or aquatic) foods* are a critical part of the global food system. They have long been at the heart of ocean conservation efforts and are the foundation of food security in coastal communities around the world. They serve as a vital source of nutrition for 3 billion people and provide livelihoods for 800 million people. Given their importance, blue foods should be an integral part of any discussion about the future of food systems as a key priority for investments and action in food security and nutrition, adaptation and resilience, and reducing emissions.

Responsible blue foods have a crucial role to play in building a healthy and climate-resilient sustainable food system to feed a hot and hungry planet, but they are chronically underinvested in and underrecognized by investors and decision makers. Philanthropy can play a major role in overcoming this dynamic by elevating, through communications and targeted outreach, opportunities to responsibly produce climate-friendly food in water.

*Blue foods are all fish, invertebrates, algae, and aquatic plants that are caught or cultivated for food from marine and freshwater environments.


Feeding the Planet, Protecting our Oceans

On Wednesday, September 25th, the Walton Family Foundation and the Department of State are hosting an event where global leaders will gather to explore the critical role of sustainable seafood in addressing food security challenges.

Stephanie Cornell

Executive Director, The Walton Family Foundation

Jennifer R. Littlejohn

Acting Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of State Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs

Jim Leape

Co-Director, Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions

Dr. Cary Fowler

U.S. Special Envoy for Global Food Security

Dr. Essam Yassin Mohammed

Director General, WorldFish

Valerie Hickey

Global Director for Environment, World Bank

Ambassador Jeffrey Prescott

U.S. Representative to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture

Contact Us

This work is led by a team at Meridian Institute in collaboration with the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation, and the Center for Ocean Solutions at Stanford University. To learn more or get involved, please contact