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Advanced Energy Economy Strategy

Developing a clean, efficient, affordable energy infrastructure is necessary for a secure and sustainable future. Meridian helped develop recommendations for securing this future in advance of the 2016 U.S. presidential elections.

Focus Areas

Climate Action

Advanced energy technology includes a range of products and services that represent the best available options for meeting current and future energy needs—such as increased energy efficiency, demand response, energy storage, and clean energy. Advanced energy technology aims to make the energy we use more secure, clean, and affordable, decreasing the national carbon footprint and improving equitable access to energy. 

However, broadly implementing advanced energy is about more than the existence of the right technology: it requires a favorable financial and political climate. With every presidential administration comes a different approach to energy policy in the United States, which demands constant adaptation in terms of strategies for putting new technologies into play. 

Advanced Energy Economy sought to develop a plan for the pending 2016 presidential election. Meridian drew upon our deep substantive experience on energy policy—and our strategy acumen—to identify a path forward that was feasible, yet bold. After leading a series of interviews, conducting research, and supporting the development of critical white papers, we led a collaborative two-day meeting with Advanced Energy Economy and other key stakeholders. 

The meeting fostered new partnerships among advocates for an advanced energy future and strengthened old ones. Together, we developed a confident, focused strategy for promoting advanced energy in the event of either a Republican or Democratic outcome in the 2016 election.

Project Team

Learn more about the team that led the Advanced Energy Economy Strategy project.