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Advancing Integrated Ocean Policy in Mexico

Champions of integrated ocean policy in Mexico are advancing a bold vision to protect the country’s vibrant marine ecosystems and ocean-dependent communities.

Focus Areas


Oceans and Freshwater

Mexico’s nearly 8,000 miles of coastline give way to one of the country’s most precious resources: its oceans. Mexico’s vibrant marine ecosystems are home to unique wildlife and contribute to local, regional, and national economies. Balancing the many interests seeking to utilize and protect these marine resources is complex. 

Meridian took on the challenge in 2018 when we began convening and providing strategic advice to a group of in-country ocean champions. This effort will establish a long-term vision for integrated ocean policy in Mexico that can address deep-rooted conflicts, reduce environmental degradation, and forge a new cross-sectoral approach to ocean management.  

Managing a resource as significant and multifaceted as Mexico’s oceans cannot happen without collaborative, aligned policy across and within sectors. To achieve this, Meridian has convened representatives from a diverse group of fields: 

  • academia
  • the private sector
  • former government
  • the fishing industry
  • environmental NGOs
  • civil society organizations
  • marine funders

This unique collaboration includes divergent perspectives on what sustainable ocean management should look like. However, with support from Meridian’s skilled team, the group has made significant strides towards developing a shared vision for Mexico’s future ocean policy.

To advance this goal, we provide both day-to-day collaboration support—through facilitation, process design, logistical support, and research—and “big-picture” strategic advice on topics like communications, politics, and regional engagement. As this effort continues to grow, it is playing a crucial role in elevating awareness of Mexico’s ocean issues—and advancing policies that protect both the country’s rich marine ecosystems and the livelihoods that depend on them.

Project Team

Learn more about the team that leads the Advancing Integrated Ocean Policy in Mexico project.